Sunday 14 May 2017

Final reflection

Hello teachers!

As I explained in my last post the end of the subject is very close and that is why I would like to give you a short reflection about the whole learning process we have been involved during this months.

Firstly, I must say that I was not very interested in social networks like twitter o blogger and I didn´t see the point of connecting them with educational objectives. After this course I have to recognise that I was not wrong, the problem is that nowadays people are using social networks with no responsibility, that is why I could not connect the idea of social networks and education. Now, I have noticed how many teachers are sharing their work not to boast but to help other teachers all over the world. In fact I found some online blogs (infoedugrafias is an example) and webs that have been designed by teachers to share resources and ideas, it is amazing how many teachers are involved in this kind of activities, but how many teachers know about it? without this course I wouldn´t have been able to know this kind of websites, now is when I see the importance of spreading the word.

Secondly and without noticing, we were engaged in a project in which I was connecting ict activities with online tools and using English at the same time, moreover these activities were linked to another curricular subject. It is true that each challenge have been time consuming but I have to say that we have been learning how to create all these activites and curricular links without noticing, we were just  focused on how to make these missions attractive and enjoyable for children. This is one of the points that I think we can apply to our future lessons, I our children are engaged in lessons where they have to create something, they need to collaborate and share things they are not going to be focused on the content or language they are learning they are going to be focused on create the product, and that's is how they will learn without noticing.

The last challenge of this course was a big big challenge, on 4th of May we were asked to participate in an online conference in order to talk about our experience with ict and our online project,. The online presentation was presented at wiziq by Moodle Mooc its name was Open Educational Digital Projects for CLIL Primary Education . People from literally everywhere was looking at the screen and we were going to have the opportunity to participate. It was amazing but I should recognise I was a little bit panic. As I usually do, I just summarise in a paper what I wanted to talk about but I just rehearse one day and it was one week before the live online presentation. the summarise was written in google drive, here you can see the steps I wanted to follow:


2-Social networks------twitter----blog---educational purposes

3-Open education project
-missions-----students should know the objectives
-creativity, entrepreneurship and collaborative group work

4-Infoedugrafias-------- Explain them what and who

5-Mission with Daniel collaborative mission

6-Say thank you and go to the science corner 93

The Live conference was recorded and you can have a look in youtube:

As I have said before I usually do not rehearse and at this time I truly think that I should have done it. I agree with the idea that if you try to rehearse each word you want to say is not going to be useful for your future presentation, nevertheless at this time and taking into account you actually do not see the audience and you do not have feedback you can get panic, and that is how I felt I know some people are more confident to talk in front of their computers at home but in my case I found it a little bit estrange. Anyway It was a very good experience and I also learnt a lot from my peers, I feel very proud of them.

To finish this post I would like to add a little bit of humour and I have created the following meme:

Author´s own (picture from pixabay)
I hope you like my final reflection and the meme. See you soon teachers!!

Friday 12 May 2017

Assessment Rubric

Hi again!

Today I am going to write about one of the most important but also the most difficult aspects that teachers should consider. It is assessment.

If we think about how our teachers should evaluate us 10 or 15 years ago, we agree that the only resource they used are exams. However, education has changed throughout history and nowadays, we as teachers, feel the responsibility to evaluate our students´ learning process. This last point is very important, when we were young we were usually exposed to a knowledge that we should learn and vomit in an exam, but today, teachers know that learning is a process where there are many things to evaluate in order to guide our students through this process.

In CLIL as a quite new approach, sometimes we have got doubts about how to assess. Firstly we need to know the importance of the content we are teaching and secondly the second language we are using in order to learn this content, so that, teachers need to focus their assessment on language and content at the same time. About the skills we are going to make our students improve there are three very important skills that any CLIL lessons should assess: communicative, cognitive and attitudes to learning.

The most important thing we, as teachers, should take into account is that students should be the centre of the assessment process, it means that teachers should adapt their assessment resources to students needs and not the other way round.

The resources that fit with this type of evaluation are called rubrics and portfolios. With this resources, teachers are able to record how effectively their objectives have been achieve. We should remember that our assessment criteria is literally checking if our students have reached the goals we proposed.
Therefore, rubrics contain:
1-the objectives or goals teachers want their students to reach
2-a description of each aspect that is going to be evaluated
3-a scale of progressive ratings that teacher will use to evaluate the goals
4-a clear description of each level of the rating

In particular my open educational project is focused on creativity and entrepreneurship, collaborative group work, English language, Ict and Social science. So that I have already created a rubric for the first learning mission . It is also aligned with Infoedugrafias´ way of assessing, which of course is using rubrics and portfolios.

Quick rubric is the online tool I decided to use. I first was thinking about making a table in google docs but this online tool provide you with all resources and possibilities to create a rubric: titles, rows, columns, the score. It looks very easy to create a table in word and that's it but as ICT is very time consuming all these tools like Quick rubric make us save time and the rubric, at the end, have a very good appearance.

As I said before, rubrics are one of the most useful tools for assessment, they allow us to check if our students have achieved the objectives we want but at the same time rubrics are giving information about how effective our performance as teachers has been. To conclude, I would like to reflect about how difficult is going back and review your whole project and check again what objectives we want our students to achieve and if the activities really help them to achieve it. I also should say that at this stage of the project I feel proud about the whole process, it hasn´t been easy but it has made feel very fulfilled. When you are reaching the assessment of your project you know that you are nearly at the end of your big challenge but, it is not the end, this is actually the starting point, now I am ready to propose this project and apply it to a real class and I can´t wait!

I hope you like my rubric and thoughts about assessment, thank you very much.

Sunday 30 April 2017

Learning Missions

Hello again!

Today I am going to show you how I have been turning my project activities into real missions in which our students will be totally engaged. In this post you will have the opportunity to check not only the features of the activities but also how I have aligned these activities with infoedugrafias´ way of working.

First of all I would like to remind you that in our project, students and teacher have two ways to be in contact from anywhere:

-Google drive: the whole class share a google drive where students and the teacher can ask questions or make suggestions. It is a good way to keep lots of useful information not only for students but also for the teacher.
-Blogger: during the process of building their companies students are going to create some prototypes and artifacts that the teacher will share in their class blogger. This type of applications make students feel proud of themselves and it is also a good way to share their work with known and unknown people.

As I said before and according to infoedugrafias´ way of teaching this project have selected three steps to follow when carrying out a mission:

-First thing that teachers need to take into account is the objectives of the mission. It means that we should make our students being conscious about the main objective of the activity. Once they know it, we as teachers, have to give them freedom to work with the objective. Not all students will achieve the objective at the same time or following the same process, it doesn´t matter, the importance of the activity is the achievement of the goal. that is why it must be clearly explained.
-The second step that infoedugrafias propose is the group formation: we are not talking about make groups of three or four, we are here talking about collaborative groups in which everyone have a responsibility withing the group. I was explained in a post before when I talked about Fernando Trujillo.
According to this methodology I would like to share with you they way in which C.E.I.P Carmen Laforet in Vicalvaro(Madrid) is working. They have faced this collaborative way of working creating the following roles in each group:
Image from C.E.I.P Carmen Laforet

-The last step is starting the activity: In this step and as it has been explained before the teacher should be a guide for students in order to achieve the objective. Students should be guided by links and explanations provided by the teacher but at the same time they should feel free to create their product. This concept is very important when talking about missions instead of flat activities; students will have to create something that proves what they have learnt.

Once all these general aspects have been clarified, it is time to explain the first mission, its features, objectives, and so forth.

Mission 1: What are you offering?
The objective of this missions is making students think about what people nowadays need and what they can offer to the people. As we are learning ict, english and social science at the same time one of the ideas of this mission is making students differentiate the three sectors of the economy.

The first thing that students will enjoy is the warming up activity. After dividing students into groups according to the criteria we have shown before, we are going to start the lesson watching a video about the three sector of the economy and their activities. Here you have three examples:

Now is time to foster their creativity and entrepreneurship. The best way to make them think about their future companies is guiding them thought these questions:

who is going to buy your product? (age)
what do they need or want?
think about companies that already offer this service or product ¿how would you make costumer even happier?
where are you going to locate your business and why?

There are also many websites that give students and teachers advices about how to create a company and  what have to be taken into consideration. From my point of view I would recommend THIS ONE. It is easy to understand for students and it can really help them to start prototyping their projects.

Once students have thought about all these questions they will start working together in order to create an on line poster. This is the product we have been talking before. Divided into their groups and roles students will start using the on line tool called canva. This tool have been chosen in this missions because of its lots of applications, templates and alternatives to work with it. It is also easy to use and I am sure it will be a enjoyable way to foster their creativity.
The reason why I have also chosen the on line tool canva is because it gives us the opportunity to be aligned with the objective of infoedugrafias project, which is creating a poster online.

All these things have to be very well explained. According to infoedugrafias way of thinking the time our students spend on organising the information is very important, we should not forced them with deadlines because they will also need their time to familiarise themselves with the online tool.
Moreover our students need to know at every time where they are, what is the objective and what they should do to achieve it. It needs to be clear that while using canva they are free to add visuals, explanations, pictures, and whatever they want. They should be creative while designing something with the information necessary to understand what the company is about, but with no lot of writing. The images should be captivating and explanatory.

The last step of the missions is a self reflexion where students have to explain the steps they have been following, the tasks each of them have carried out and what they think they have learnt.

As an example of the product they are asked to do in this mission I have created this canva poster:

The company I have created is an example of how imaginative student´s companies can be. The images included in the canva poster have been freely download from pixabay

As a kind of mind map I would like to make clear all these things:

Goals of the mission:

-To promote child´s understanding of economic sector

To enable the child to familiarise with canva and use it with an objective

To make them being capable to analyse their company: objectives and features

To foster their creativity and entepeneurship

To promote the child to develop the concept of being original

To enable the child to work with english in a different context

To improve HOTS since they have to analyse, create, evaluate and so forth

-communication in foreign languages
-science and technology
-digital competence
-interpersonal, cultural and social
-learning to learn
-processing information and use of ICT
-social skills and citizenship
-autonomy and personal initiative

Digital artifact: a poster (infoedugrafia)

Online tool: canva

In this post I have been firstly talking about some general aspects that have to be taken into account while creating and teaching the missions. All these ideas have been created according to infoedugrafias teaching methodology. In addition, I have included the roles that students have in each collaborative group work.
To face this step of the project, I started first to think about how to aligned my flat activities with infoedugrafias and then turn this activities into real missions to accomplish by the students. After that I wrote a bunch of ideas in google drive about my activities and suddenly I realised that while I was trying to connect my activities with infoedugrafias´ way of teaching I actually was turning them into real missions. 
Therefore and as a kind of self reflexion I must say how difficult turning our flat activities into real missions it can be. It made me think about how engage students in missions and what is more how should I create the missions to properly assess the results. But from my point of view students are the ones how best will evaluate our teaching methodology.

See you soon teachers!

Second Mission: Advertisement

Here you have the second mission!!!

Following with the collaborative way of learning, at this time students are going to create a super advertisement. In this post Daniel Marques, a primary school teacher, have collaborated with us and the result is a collaborative learning mission. I would recomend you to visit Daniel´s blog ( ) where you will find lots of resources for teachers, you can also visit his twitter account


In this super learning mission we are going to connect our project (setting up you company) with natural science,we are going to introduce one of the most important concepts: healthy habits. We all know how important is keeping healthy and how powerful these missions can be. As students are going to be engaged in missions we can adapt it and introduce any topic to them, the crucial point here is making them enjoy the activity, whatever it was.

As Daniel was creating an online project about healthy habits we decided to connect our projects and giving our students the opportunity to work with advertising and healthy habits. Before talking with Daniel I had already though about engaging my students in advertising which is a big term to take into account when setting up your company. So that Daniel and me came up with the idea to create an advertisement where students will have to advertise a product or service that keep people healthy. Therefore at the same time students are going to be creative and conscious about healthy habits. They need to think not only about being attractive for the audience but also offering something that people can take advantage from.

The idea of this mission is creating a video in which students have to appear doing or promoting healthy habits while offering a product or service. In our case, and as an example to show our students how to use the online tool, we have recorded the next video:

First of all, we have to give thanks to Jesus Cardenas, the main character of the advertisement, he is a good friend of us and a primary education teacher too. Moreover you can learn a lot from him about physical education exercises and dancing, especially, breakdance. Here you have his twitter and blog accounts:

The online we have used to edit the video is called: WeVideo . It is a very useful tool but students will need to have time to understand it. It is not difficult to use but once you have started to discovered the tools you can not stop using them. That is why, students should be focused on the message they are advertising rather than wasting the time with tool applications. As this is the first for them working with this application, they are going to be asked to create a simple video where the focus is on the language they use, and how captivating and effective their advertisements are. Therefore, the main objective of the mission is working with the online tool while they apply their knowledge about healthy thabits and setting up companies. And of curse and as it is necessary to accomplish the missions they are learning enlgish throughout the whole process.

Once they have created the video with WeVideo the teacher is going to upload it in the classroom blog. It has to be used as a way to motivate our students, children always love when teachers share their projects. Moreover, and it was said in the previous post, those projects in which students have to create a product is also motivating for them. It has to be taken into account how we have divided the group according to the criteria we have seen in the previous post, so that, roles have to be clarified before starting to work. It also has to be seen from teachers as students´ evaluation, if a group work is not working effectively teachers need to record all this information in order to make changes for the future collaborative projects. To assess this group work we can use rubrics, it can be filled by students or teachers.

To make the missions clear, all these points have to be taken into account:

Objectives of the mission:

To enable the child to familiarise with WeVideo

To foster their creativity and entepeneurship

To promote the child to develop the concept of being original

To enable the child to work with english in a different context

To improve HOTS since they have to analyse, create, evaluate and so forth 

To improve communication skills in L2 and digital skills 

To collaborate and cooperate within a group to create a common artifact

To get to know the three main sector of economic activity 

-communication in foreign languages
-science and technology
-digital competence
-interpersonal, cultural and social
-learning to learn
-processing information and use of ICT
-social skills and citizenship

Digital artifact: Advertisement

Online tool: We Video

In the last post I explained you the general aspects that we should take into consideration when you are designing your missions. Following with the idea of making our students work through a collaborative methodology, at this step, they are going to continue working in groups. Giving them their roles is something that works very well. It give us the clue to not only to see how they assume their responsibility but also how to create groups in the future.
Referring to the mission and the online tool, Daniel and me, we were thinking about a tool that will make them create something but that wasn´t very easy for them. Firstly, we were thinking about the activity that will make them use their enlgish and also engage them in both projects. Then we came up with the idea of creating an advertisement and suddenly Daniel said, WeVideo, that is the tool we need. I hadn´t personally used it before but after a while it convinced me.
After creating the video, we decided to upload it to our youtube channels. It is very easy and it works very quickly. Moreover we download the music of our advertisement from youtube too.
Following with the objective of the project I truly think that these two missions allow students to work freely. It means that we teachers, are giving them the tools they need to learn by themselves and by sharing their knowledge with their peers.

See you very soon!

Monday 3 April 2017

Partner search - elevator pitch

This is the next step of my clil project!!

According to my lasts posts I am going to continue enriching my clil project: Set up your company. In the previous post I was talking about the importance of collaborative learning within the classroom, but also with online projects that we would like to join. This is going to be our aim today, looking for a project to join!
I was reviewing projects in order to find the most suitable option for us to join. This project should be focused on children´s creativity and collaborative learning, it means, a project whose target has to be
creating a final product. On the other hand, the project should be related to our subject (social science) and at the same time with english language.

I came across some awesome porjects like ESL timesPiratas y libelulas or The other Kids EDU and honestly, all of them made me think about creating new projects to join them but I should be focused on my current project and finally I decided to join infoedugrafias. This online project has been created to make children develop through teacher´s guide. The role of the teacher is seen like a facilitator who will provide them with the strategies to select the correct information, how to organise it, transmitting and communicating information and so on.

So first of all, the methodology proposed from this project was the same as the teacher´s methodology I included in my project prototype. Moreover infoedugrafias is open to any project, it means that any subject your project is related to can take part in the project. Therefore, these are the two reasons that made me join infoedugrafias: methodology and freedom.

If you want to know more about infoedugrafias you can follow them on bloggerfacebooktwitter and pinterest.

The way that I have chosen to persuade them is creating an elevator pitch video. The idea of this presentation is to explain those potential partners how can I contribute to their projects but only in 20 seconds. That is why I have been designing it very hard. In the video you will see the points that I wanted to highlight. Basically the presentation was focused on getting their attention and explaining them the ideas we have in common and how grateful collaborating could be for us and for the children.

The process of the video creation was a bit hard but enjoyable. First of all I started to write the speech that I would present in a document using google docs. After 4 written paragraphs I stopped writing and I decided to create a mind map divided into:

Introduction including a short presentation and something to catch their attention

Showing an educational problem or weakness

Saying that with my project we will solve the problem

Inviting them to visit my blog

Once I finished my mind map I was ready to record the video. 20 second video could take much more than 20 minutes to record it, even more than 30minutes. The best idea and as a kind of advice I would say that if you are going to make an elevator pitch do not prepare it too much. just let thinks happen. You have all this information in your brain and it doesn´t matter if you change some words, the main idea is going to appear anyway. Take risks!

About tools that I have chosen to record the video, as I did before I uploaded it in my Youtube channel click to visit it. It is a good way to keep all my videos in the same place and to allow people to watch them one after another.

On this ocassion and as the video is very short, I did not need to change anything but if you want to add some effects, add music or anything you can imagine to your videos I would recommend you Adobe Premiere Pro. You can buy it here click!

As a self reflection, I would like to say that each challenge I am facing is making me work harder. On this occasion, creating the visual methapor has been a difficult task, but a very rewarding one as well. In relation to the elevator pitch the most difficult task was trying to summarize all this information in twenty seconds. Moreover and as I said before from my point of view is crucial not only what you are saying but also how you are doing it: your voice, your face, your body, etc. All these things are taken into account from companies and sometimes we do not notice them.
To sum up I truly think that the effort was paid off, I wish you like the presentation and how the prototype is improving.

Thank you very much, see you soon.

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Enriching my project

Hello teachers!!

As I said in my last post the students are going to be involved in setting up a company. today I am here again to show you how I have been trying to enrich my clil project.

One of the greatest ways to work with students not only to make them learn, but also to enjoy and know themselves and others is cooperative learning.
First of all I would like to explain you what cooperative learning means. In Fernando Trujillo´s words  the first step to achieve students´ cooperative learning is creating a paceful and affective atmosphere. Once students are involved in this context they will be able to work in groups, which means, each student knows their responsibilities within the group. Therefore  the achievement of the cooperative learning depends on the teacher´s role and responsibility.

According to the idea of cooperative learning and from my point of view, as a teacher, I would add two types of activities in order to give my students the opportunity to meet each other and starting to work first in pairs and then in groups of 3 or 4.

Activity one: divided into pairs, students will write 4 special numbers which have a special meaning for each of them, for example: 2: number of brothers or sisters, 23 my birthday and so on. The student who is next to you will try to guess by questioning what do these numbers mean.
In this activity, students are going to talk about themselves and at the same time they are going to know more thinks about their peers.

Activity two: students will work in groups of 3 or 4 students, they will watch a video about types of companies and they will be asked to analyse it according to a rubric. From the prototype of the project, students will take part to in the assessment process. After analysing it, they will make a short presentation highlighting the main aspects they think should be taken into account. This activity is going to be the first time they face such a difficult task.

In order to enrich my project I would like to give my students the opportunity to share their improvements and phases of the project in a class and online blog. Apart from their personal blogs, students are going to share their projects, improvements, even questions or doubts in a class blog. The objective of this group blog is to share our ideas and our entrepreneur projects with anyone who visit us. In other words, students will see how useful their projects can be and I am sure it will make them feel extra motivated.

On the other hand and as you will see in future posts, this project will collaborate with other online project. the idea is to collaborate online with other teachers and students sharing our ideas and improvements. Therefore, we are going to share something and we are going to have the opportunity to learn many things from students and teacher who are working at the same time all around the world.

According to the idea of the collaborative methodology I am going to apply to the project, I have designed a visual metaphord. The online tool that I have chosen to create the display is called Storyboard That. The tool will give you lots of scenes, characters, textables and so on but at the same time you can edit them changing shapes and colors. It surprised me how easy is creating a whole story in a short time. I would recommend it for those whose digital skills are not highly developed. The visual metaphor itself needed to be attractive but simple and effective. So from my point of view the most important things that have to be taken into consideration were: the final sentences (key message) and the length of the metaphor, it means the time people will need to spend in order to understand the message. According to the final result, which you can see below, the metaphor is very simple and I think it doesn´t take more than 4 seconds to be understood.

Here you can check the visual metaphor I have created:

Made with Storyboard That

Click here to watch it bigger click

Self reflection
I should admit that enriching the prototype of my project have made me think about the viability of my project itself. Prototyping anything could look easy but if you start thinking about how to connect it with the real lesson it can turns very difficult. I was asking myself about the opportunities they are going to have to communicate, the ordering of the tasks, etc.
On the other hand a according to the visual metaphor I was trying to use some other digital tools like canva, pixton or creately . According to the time you consume and the tools it has, storyboard that is from my point of view the easiest to use but at the same time one of the most useful I have tried.

I hope you like the way I have tried to enrich my project and the visual metaphor.

Saturday 25 March 2017

Prototyping my clil project

Hello everyone.

I have already started to prototype my clil project and here you have my first step. I have decided to use the template for prototyping an open educational clil project provided by our teacher

-Open education project title: Set up your company

-Level: Primary school, 5th grade

-Number of sessions: 8

-Areas: The project is connected to social science and english but it has been designed to be interconnected to more areas (cross curricular)

-Teacher´s role: Monitor ( the teacher will act as a guide in order to help students to achieve the objectives )

-Student´s role: students will work individually, in pairs and small groups

-Objective: The main objective of the project is giving students the opportunity to foster their creativity while building a company. At the same time we will work with and through english language, so that our second objective will be focused on the four skills of language: reading, speaking, listening and writing.

-4 c´s of clil:

Content: according to the spanish curriculum the project is connected to the point called: economic activities and sectors, advertising, marketing, companies, etc.
The vocabulary have to be graded according to the level of the students but some specific vocabulary related to sectors and economic activities will be asked for.                                                   
Grammar will be focused on the use of verb tenses and conditionals.

Communication:As they are creating a new company they will need to discriminate between the way the advertise their product and the way they debate with their peers.

Cognition: Activities will make students compare, predict, analyse, present, etc.

Culture:While they are setting up the company they will need to take into account our pluricultural and plurilingual world. This demands tolerance and empathise with their future customers.

-Key competences: LOMCE (Primary)
CC - Communication skills
MCST -Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology
DC - Digital skills
LL - Learning to learn
SCC - Social and civic skills
SIE - Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship.
CAE - Cultural awareness and expression

-Assessment criteria: teacher will use rubrics to assess and at the same time students will be assessed by themselves through rubrics. Rubrics can be created by students or provided by the teacher

-Skills: students will improve the four skills; reading, writing, listening and speaking.

-Resources: videos, recordings, websites, computer, etc.

-Setting: classroom and IT suite

-Final outcome: the final product of the project will be a group presentation explaining the features and the process to create their company.

-Suitable missions:
Interactive exercises
Listening comprehension
Digital posters
Reading comprehension
Recording (podcast)(video)

Here you have a short presentation, have fun!

I would like to finish this post giving you a short reflection about the process of prototyping my clil project.
First of all I was thinking about the main objective of the project, all I want is give students the opportunity to create something, but what? It has to be something that makes them work in groups, something different, to sum up something motivating. From my point of view the project needed to give me the opportunity to add new vocabulary and working with ict and english. 
Once I decided the title and after filling the template I started to create my online presentation. I was checking some applications but at the end, and after having fun creating the character, the voice, the movements and the template I started to record my voice using It was a very funny but useful experience, I couldn´t stop laughing while I was recording the voice because of the strange movements. Anyway, I think the final results worth doing.

I hope you like my presentation and the prototype of my project.

See you soon!